Texas Gulf Coast: Lamar and Rockport

January 02, 2015  •  1 Comment

I had hoped to spend several days photographing birds along the Gulf Coast, but I caught a miserable cold almost immediately on arrival in Ingleside, Texas, to visit my brother and sister-in-law.  Thanks to my brother’s suggestion that we check out the towns of Lamar and Rockport, I did manage a half-day of photography before giving in to the cold completely, cutting our visit short and heading for home.

One of the highlights of this short visit was "The Big Tree" located within Goose Island State Park; it is one of the largest live oaks (Quercus virginiana) in Texas. At an age of over one thousand years, it has survived many a hurricane. It is showing its age and is currently supported by cables and props. 

Why do I not have a picture of this wonderful tree?  Foolishly I did not bring a wide-angle lens with me (I blame that on the fuzzy thinking caused by my cold).  I brought only my telephoto lens because we were hoping to find some Whooping or Sandhill cranes.  We did see some Sandhills overhead in flight. It was a grey day with dull light but I was nevertheless able to get a few images of familiar Gulf Coast birds.

Black vulture, Texas Gulf CoastBlack vulture, Texas Gulf CoastBlack vulture (Coragyps) foraging on beach, Texas Gulf Coast

A Black Vulture foraging on the beach in Rockport.  It's always nice to see these birds; a nice change from the Turkey Vulture commonly seen in most parts of the United States.

Double-crested cormorant, Texas Gulf CoastDouble-crested cormorant, Texas Gulf CoastDouble-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) drying its feathers, Texas Gulf Coast

Double-crested Cormorant drying its plumage.

Brown Pelican, Texas Gulf CoastBrown Pelican, Texas Gulf CoastAdult Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentals), Texas Gulf Coast

Adult Brown Pelican (above) and American White Pelican (below).

White Pelican, Texas Gulf CoastWhite Pelican, Texas Gulf CoastWhite Pelican (Pelecanus erithrorhynchos), Texas Gulf Coast



I love the Cormorant photo! A perfect 'pose' atop the piling.
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